IGTV Dead?

Is IGTV dead? I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone going on about it in the media, I can’t remember the last time I saw someone I care about posting anything on it. Maybe I have amnesia or I am reading the wrong sources, but damn son, it really feels like Instagram has just put that out there and then just kinda let it die.


How to Edit IGTV descriptions…

So, after my previous post about IGTV I have discovered how it is possible to edit descriptions on Instagram TV, allow me to show you how.


Instagram TV / IGTV 3 things that NEED to improve

InstagramTV has been out for a while now, I’ve been making my fair share of content for it, and what have I learned? Here are the 3 main things that I think need to change for IGTV to stand a chance. (more…)

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